ReMind helps young people understand the link between their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. ReMind is firmly grounded on cognitive behavioural approaches, delivered with a fun and engaging fresh twist.
Using games, craft activities and group learning, ReMind gives participants a box-full of tools to help them cope with the stresses of everyday life. Each session includes tools such as facing your fears, tackling thinking errors, behaviour experiments, emotion surfing, relaxation and mindfulness exercises, and relapse prevention.
As each technique is added to the ‘tool box’ participants are encouraged to put them into practice over the following days. Weekly reviews help participants reflect on each tool’s usefulness and consider how their beliefs, behaviours, emotions and physical responses are changed.
Written by Ralph Buckingham, an experienced youth worker and qualified teacher, with input from mental health professionals and coaches, ReMind works best with groups of between six and twelve individuals.
ReMind has been demonstrated to effectively reduce participants' levels of anxiety. Integral to the ReMind programme, the SPENCE assessment tool provides evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of the programme and it's impact on individuals' lives.